Presidential Inauguration 2024

Images taken from Fort Klapperkop

Nitro making sure we got the shot we were after

Welcome, esteemed readers and casual scrollers alike, to a behind-the-scenes look at the grandeur and occasional chaos of a Presidential Inauguration, captured through the lens from the historic vantage point of Fort Klapperkop.

Now, if you've never heard of Fort Klapperkop, let me give you the lowdown: it's a place steeped in history, offering panoramic views of Pretoria, making it the perfect backdrop for such a monumental occasion. Imagine a fortress that’s seen its fair share of drama, now witnessing the political theater of our time.

These photos aren't just snapshots, they're a story. A story of hope, change, and maybe a few awkward handshakes. So, grab your popcorn, settle in, and let's dive into the visual feast that is the Presidential Inauguration at Fort Klapperkop.


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